Energy Transition and Energy Modeling Big Geo Data and Spatio-Temporal Analysis Digital Technologies for Sustainable Development Geoinformatics and Regional Development
Doors open day: every Monday from 9h 00 to 11h 00
Tuesday and Thursday 8:00-10:00 by appointment.
Current 2025-2028 STORCITO: Sustainable Transformation Of Rural Communities via Technical, social and Organizational innovations (HORIZON - Europe). 2024-2027 RENvolveIT: Regional Energy Networking – cross-sectional involvement through a modular interactive toolbox (CET Partnerships - Europe). Ab 2022 Koordinator der Grow4Energy Summer School (Multiple funding sources: AHK Chile, Universidad de Concepcion, Chilean-german Energy Partnership, Freistaat Bayern).
Past projects: 2021-2024 CrossChargePoint: Integrated Multi-Energy Storages Coupling the Power Network to the Transportation. (ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems - Europe). 2021-2024 H2in: Multidimensional and comprehensive value chain assessment for green hydrogen in Chile (Anillos - ANID Chile). 2018-2021 S6ET: Spatial Screening for Small Storage Systems to Solve the Energy Transition (BMBF - Germany).
Als Senior Scientists: 2019-2021 Wilda: Dynamische Wildunfallwarnung unter Verwendung heterogener Verkehrs-, Unfall- und Umweltdaten sowie Big Data Ansätze - WilDa (mFUND - Germany). 2018-2020 e-road: Entwicklung des Elektromobilitätskonzeptes in den Grenzregionen (INTERREG Bayern - Tschechien). 2018-2020 INCREASE: INCREASing renewable Energy penetration in industrial production and grid integration through optimized CHP energy dispatch scheduling and demand side management (BMBF - Germany).
My research is funded as part of the High-Tech Agenda Bavaria
Geoinfomratics Laboratory at ITC2+ 0.24
Specialized in the modeling and analysis of energy systems, I use artificial intelligence and data-driven methods to optimize sustainable energy strategies. I focus on energy security, renewable energies, and energy policy, as well as the intersection of technology, economics, and sustainability. My research explores the impact of digitalization and AI on energy transition, sector coupling, and the optimization of energy systems. I develop innovative solutions for local energy transitions, energy storage, and integrated energy infrastructure. I am particularly interested in how new technologies enable novel forms of organization and system coordination in the energy sector. My most recent projects focus on electromobility, exploring its integration into smart energy systems and its role in shaping sustainable urban infrastructure. Currently, my projects focus on enhancing coordination between different stakeholders through the use of simulation tools. I am particularly interested in citizen participation and the ethical use of technology. To further develop and test these concepts, we are setting up a laboratory where new approaches for sustainable energy systems can be explored and tested.
Geostatistics (AI-B) Publishing in Scientific Journals (MAPR-PhD) Geodata Processing and Automation (AI-B) Scientific Writing (AIN) Ethics and Sustainability in Artificial Intelligence (AIN) Data Visualization (LSI-M) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AIN)
Available Thesis Topics for Supervision:
Open data and energy system modelling – data fusion for energy system planning, design and operation (Open Data und Energiesystemmodellierung – Datenfusion für die Planung, Gestaltung und den Betrieb von Energiesystemen)
Synthetic grids and modelling of different types of uncertainty in distribution grid networks (Synthetische Netze und Modellierung verschiedener Arten von Unsicherheiten in Verteilnetzen)
Design roadmapping: A case study on planning development for a modular energy systems design & planning software (Design Roadmapping: Eine Fallstudie zur Entwicklungsplanung für eine modulare Software zur Gestaltung und Planung von Energiesystemen)
Evaluating the potential of modularization and integration of simulation tools for bottom-up approaches in energy systems (Bewertung des Potenzials der Modularisierung und Integration von Simulationswerkzeugen für Bottom-up-Ansätze in Energiesystemen)
End-users as Co-Developers of New Green Products and Services – A Case Study Analysis on the Use of AI in Modeling Software “Endnutzer als Co-Entwickler neuer grüner Produkte und Dienstleistungen – Eine Fallstudienanalyse zur Nutzung von KI in der Modellierungssoftware”